Wednesday 6 March 2013

Confessions of a blogger

Confessions Of A Blogger Tag

Confessions Of A Blogger Tag
So this has been flying around and I thought after reading the 10th post I should take a crack at it!

1. When did you start your blog?
We started out blog on Thursday the 21st of February 2013 (newbies!!)

2. Have you had any past online presence before? (YouTube, Blog)
I have a tumblr blog? Does that count..? But the pictures aren't anthing to do with me they just fit into my chosen theme! 

3. Why did you start your blog?
Because we got so over excited about the idea we could one day be sent products for free ahaha - no well bloggy pally has lots of free time and we are really into make up and so on! We thought it would be a good mini project!

4. When did you become serious about your blog?
Literally the second we got it.. We love it on here!  

5. What was your first post?
We did a cute little welcome post!

6.What has been your biggest challenge about blogging?
For me it is finding time to sit and write a post  - I have tons of homework and I have rehersals most days! I am writing this at 12.30 am so I am writing whenever I have time!!

7.Where do you see your blog in 1 year time? 
Hopefully full of exciting and interesting posts getting lots of page views

8. What is the most rewarding this about blogging? 
Getting comments or a new record of page views and seeing how happy it makes my little blog pal

9. What is the discouraging thing that happens to you?
When I see the really professional blogs with pr tabs and thinking wahhhh I want that ahaha

10. What's your lasting inspiration or motivation? 
Zoe of Zoella.

hahahah cheeky little late night/ early morning post for you all! Much loveeeeeeeeeeeeeee


  1. Great post! My only brief experience with something like a blog is my Tumblr as well. Also, I just started my blog in February, and only have time to really write posts in the middle of the night!

    1. Ahah thankyou!! I know night time posts are the best!xx

  2. I love reading these posts and this one is lovely!

    Please could you add a followers button widget for google friend connect, I don't really know how to follow any other way:(
    Louise, xo

    1. Hello Louise, thank you!

      I have attempted to do this widgit thing... but I am not sure if I have done it correctly! Let us know. I know you can follow a blog by copying the URL and pasting it into the "add to reading list" button on your dashboard. Hope that's helpful we'd love you to follow us!


  3. I've never seen this tag before its so cute!

    1. Hahaa I am surprised I have read it so many times!!

  4. great post, i also had a tumblr before blogging and i had an obsession with it!

  5. Oh my gosh you have no idea -.- I am so so so addicted!!
