Thursday 7 March 2013

Colour Wheel: GREEN

Hello hello! Time for another colour wheel post, and today's colour is green!
Now, I should probably say that overall I am not the biggest fan of green but I've tried my best here!

The first item is this Barbour style coat which I wear the whole time. It's fairly light but I've also been wearing it through winter with cosy jumpers and lots of layers. Believe it or not I got this from Boden. I also love the flash of colour inside which is nice and cheery!

The next two are both Topshop buys from a while ago:

This is just a simple sleeveless green shirt which I sometimes wear on it's own or I might wear a top underneath it and wear the shirt like a jacket.

I won't lie to you, this is actually multicoloured but I think it gives off a green effect over all. This is my baggy, lazy day jumper (it's quite long) it's so cosy :)

Ok some random stuff now:

I got these in IKEA a couple of weeks ago after I became a little bit obsessed with tea lights. I have them on my desk in my room and I think they're nice because they're a little unusual and it also means the flame can't set anything alight which is obviously a benefit....

Something you should know is that I am a huge Agatha Christie fan (yes I know thats not very girly compaired to my usual style...). I have been trying to sneak one into a post and now I can because as you can see, it is green! I get through these books so quickly, as they really suck you in (I won't put it down.. even at the dinner table) and they aren't too long either. Another pro is that they are small books, in size, so they are perfect for sunbathing... I find it too difficult to read a great big hardback sized thing when lying down.
If you aren't a bookworm, then watch some of the TV episodes - there are loads and loads and they are excellent!

Have a wonderful day!

Minka x


  1. oo I love the sleeveless green shirt!!
    UK High Street Fashion

  2. Thank you! I'm pretty sure they sell that style of shirt in Topshop every year (i have another one) in different patterns / colours xx
