Saturday 9 March 2013

Colour wheel: in the NUDE

Good morning all!

I am hoping today is a good day for everyone!
So today's colour is nude... I have recently fallen in love with this.

The little scrunched up thing at the front of this picture is a pair of nude tights. Now I suppose this is slightly cheating because most people probably own them but I think they are a necessity as it means I can still wear a pretty dress when it's a bit cold, and they also make my legs look smooth.

So my first proper item is a pair of heels:

These are from Carvela but don't freak out I got them in a sale! They are really comfy, rather Kate Middleton style (she is my idol I love her and we share the same birthday so hoorah). They are not particularly high at all which is probably good for me as it means I am able to walk normally. 

Yesterday I wrote about my very precious set of 4 OPI minis, and this is another one of them in the shade "don't pretzel my buttons". Its a really light nude and looks so beautiful.
The belt is from Marks and Spencer and I think it was about £12.50. I've not had a chance to wear it yet because it is brand new but I really like the front of it because it's slightly unusual.

I got this clock from Laura Ashley and I think it's so cute! A bit vintage-y and looks lovely on a bedside table.

And thats all!

Minka x


  1. i love nudes sooooooo much. i love how chic they look. great pics.i love the shoes.

  2. I think these colour wheels are such a good idea! I think I will start doing them on my blog as well if that is okay?

    Chloe xx

    1. Oh fab yes of course I will be sure to check them out!

  3. I absolutely love everything nude! Thanks for sharing! I just came across your blog and I'm your newest follower :) Would you mind checking out our blog & if you like, following back via GFC and Bloglovin'? Looking forward to your next post! xx

  4. I love that nail varnish its beautiful!

  5. I love them shoes they are an amazing colour :) xxx
